Legal Notices


Bernard Schuiteman
Im Eigen 54
3143 Pyhra

Basic direction

The website is primarily aimed at those interested in Bernard Schuiteman and his information.


No liability of any kind can be assumed for the content, such as correctness, completeness and topicality. Errors are reserved. This disclaimer also applies to linked sites. If there are legal bases for liability against Bernard Schuiteman, these remain limited to the legal minimum. Each user uses this website at their own risk.


All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright; use is only permitted with the express permission of the creator.


Links to this website - also on pages in depth - are welcome. A transfer of the main window into a frame set of the link setter is not permitted. Own links to external sites only represent signposts to these sites; they are therefore regularly displayed in a separate browser window via an external link. The publisher does not identify with the content of the linked pages and assumes no liability for this. If one of the linked pages contains questionable or illegal content, please notify us; in such a case, the link will be deleted immediately.

Notes on data protection

All information and notes on the subject of data protection that must be observed when using this website can be found in our data protection declaration.

Photo credits

Unless otherwise stated, all images, illustrations and graphics are copyright © by Bernard Schuiteman.